网站是人机之间的信息交互界面。其目标是促进设计,执 行和优化信息与通信系统以满足用户的需要。如果想制作出精美合格的网页,最先要考虑的就是网站建设的概念。也就是要决定网站建设的主题以及构成方式等内 容。如果不经过策划直接进入网站建设阶段,可能会导致网页结构混乱、操作加倍等各种问题。
A website is an information exchange interface between humans and computers. Its goal is to promote the design, execution, and optimization of information and communication systems to meet user needs. If you want to create exquisite and qualified web pages, the first thing to consider is the concept of website construction. That is to determine the theme and composition of website construction. If you enter the website construction phase without planning, it may lead to various problems such as webpage structure confusion and doubled operations.
1. Determine the theme of website construction
When planning website construction, the first thing to determine is the theme of website construction. Generally, commercial website construction will reflect the company's own philosophy, and website construction can be designed based on this philosophy; For personal or corporate websites, the following questions need to be considered.
(1) The purpose of website construction: Before website construction, it is necessary to first consider why a website should be built. Determine the nature of the website based on the reasons and purposes for its construction. For example, when you want to convey the information you have to others, you can create a lecture website; When you want to share your personal interests with others, you can create a social website.
(2) The benefits of website construction: Even corporate websites need to provide visitors with favorable information or serve as a space for mutual exchange of opinions. When the information they have is insufficient, they can collect useful information from users.
(3) Update: It can be said that the vitality of a website is reflected in the frequency of updates. If it cannot be updated frequently, the method of posting recent information on the bulletin board can be adopted, and more opinions can be exchanged with visitors.
2. Predicted Visitors
确 定了网站建设的主题后,还需要再预测一下访问者的群体。例如,教育性网站的对象可以是儿童,也可以是成人。如果以儿童泥杆 保定古筝 塑料增韧剂 拱形护坡模具 保定空调维修 托辊生产线为主,最好使用活泼可爱的风格来设计 页面,同时要采用比较单纯的结构,若为了查看一个文件而设置多个插件,往往会使访问者转入到其他网站。因此,明确网站的访问对象以后,才可以确定设计形 式。
After determining the theme of website construction, it is also necessary to predict the audience of visitors. For example, educational websites can target children or adults. If children are the main focus, it is best to use a lively and cute style to design the page, while adopting a relatively simple structure. Setting up multiple plugins to view a file often leads visitors to other websites. Therefore, after clarifying the target audience of the website, the design form can be determined.